The Father’s Love

It had been a few days when babe the bird was on the tree, and subsequently went missing. When I was told about it, I felt really sad. Memories of me playing with the little one in the incubator, till I saw it grow up and integrate in the chick inn came back to mind. It had special significance because I named it. I knew God will take care of it as said in his word, but a part of me just wants to see babe again.

I shot up a prayer towards papa God, hoping He will hear this little request. I was not sure if He will answer as there may be other requests He was hearing that seemed more significant to answer.

Just 2 days ago, while enjoying my dessert at the dining table, I was rushed to go outside. I saw babe walking in my direction - coming home. I was told that birds do not recognise their way home. But babe just walked in and came back!

Now, when I see babe, I do not just see a beautiful hen whom I have journeyed with in small ways; I see my Father’s realness in her. It is because He cares, loves and sees me to answer this little prayer of mine.
When babe went missing, I was simultaneously processing the feelings I had towards his act of predestination - setting me into my biological family. It felt that He had made a wrong move, was not wise and not loving. If He truly loved, why did He not spared me from going through what I had to go through as a child? It was hard to process then and was blocked off; now, difficult to recall.

It is timely that God answered this prayer, because it caused me to see His love in a right in front of my face way. If taking babe away and bringing her back was His orchestration and opportunity to display His love to me, then I must say that He is very clever.
