
Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 25
Nabal’s assets were introduced before his name. He had an abundance of possessions, recognised as prosperous by David. Yet, though Nabal was rich in assets, he was bankrupt spiritually. He thought whatever he had was his, failing to recognise God in His midst. He lived however he wanted. It was about “my bread, my water, my meat, my shearers.”

Recently, I have come to recognise that there is this tendency to build my life on what God has given to me, so much so that I held little regard on God who gave me all things. It is scary when identity becomes tied to earthly riches. Instead of having God as my one pursuit, earthly riches replaced it. God is left on the shelf, becoming an afterthought. He becomes an end to the means.

The way Abigail responded to David in that crucial time was filled with so much wisdom. She intercedes on behalf of Nabal, prophetically speaks about David’s future destiny in God, and prevents David from bringing judgment upon Himself by shedding blood out of anger. In a way, she was telling him, “hey there, you are going to be God’s king. Don’t screw it up because of a fool.”

I realised that God has been so faithful and patient in steering me on the right path. He has been bringing to rememberance through different meetups and random texts I would receive about His promise of fruitfulness. I cannot build my life solely upon the pursuit of money, though it is really great to have (given that I am still young and filled with energy). I know what I am supposed to do, and I want to act wisely with the knowledge / promises given.

What are you building your life on?
