Being Bold In First Attempts

Hi guys! It has really been some time since I've updated my blog, and I hope you awesome bloggers and readers have been doing great too! I've not been touching my mac for a while ever since it needed to get serviced, and I've learnt from experience, never to trust in technology ever again hahaha :p

Life has been going quite well recently. I've got some really good jogging buddies who have been helping me maintain a healthy lifestyle and I'm really thankful for them because I had thoughts about wanting to exercise and keep fit, and I haven't been executing those plans since a year ago, till they came in and suggested the idea. I love these bunch of awesome people haha :D

Also, I have been trying to maintain a journal, writing different reflective, spontaneous and devotional thoughts. Ain't easy to maintain a journal – it's like blogging haha. I'm really thankful that God has been speaking to me even as I was writing my stuff, and the best part is that, even when I may miss a day of writing, my journal actually inserts extracts of inspirational quotes and verses, and surprising the particular quote and verse of the day would be so timely, coinciding to what I was trying to express for that day. Journaling has opened my eyes, showing me my poor execution of structure in sentences and paragraphing. On a good note though, this has shown me the spontaneity of the human train of thoughts lol :p

I'm thankful for the covenant friendships God has been giving to me. Not only within the church, but even outside of the church. It's important for us to have our 'Paul', 'Barnabas' and 'Timothy' in our Christian walk, and I'm thankful to have found these precious ones who are willing to do life together with me. I'm not an easy disciple, friend or discipler that anyone can cope with, and I'm really grateful for their encouragements and their presence around :)

God has been speaking to me quite a bit these few days, through the opportunities He has been opening for me to serve in various areas in the church ministries. It's really important and awesome to have Pastors who believe in you, mentor you and spur you on, encouraging you in your walk with God. Yesterday I had my first attempt of facilitating a bible study, and mann it was awkward but fun at the same time haha. I remembered heading back home, and some spontaneous thoughts flowed from within:

Most first attempts comes with a realization for the need of improvement. If you start doing something new without making any mistakes, it most probably means you are a hidden master, it's too easy for you not to screw it up, or you're playing things too safe, trying your best to avoid mistakes - which is not the case for most of us, and we're missing the point if we don't want to try to be adventurous. 
It's really okay to make mistakes. The question is, “Are we willing to take risks and go in boldness, carrying that heart of servanthood and obedience to be willing to learn once again?” 
“Joy, since when faith doesn't require taking risks?” - God

We only have one chance to live, and now's not the time to hesitate any longer. I really believe that a revival wave is coming soon, and God's looking out for risk takers...

For now, I'll choose to be faithful in the little and, any God-given opportunities, and celebrate the small beginnings. God I thank You for creating me, and I thank You that You are really SO GOOD. :D

Linking with Charlotte on Spiritual Sundays!


  1. Amen Joy! We do need to be risk takers and move ourselves out of being average to being God's servants : ) This is a great post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I'm glad you have such a supportive community in your church. We definitely need each other to keep growing and to spur us on. God will continue to use you.


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