On Ravi Zacharias

My facebook news feed has been flooded with news of Ravi Zacharias' passing. Christendom will say that we have lost a general of faith on the earth today...

I fondly remember him taking the stage in 2018 at Singapore Bible College. It was the only time I saw him in person. What stuck with me till today was not the preaching, but the Q&A session - how he answered with clarity, firmness and gentleness at the same time.

An apologetic that is not just argued, but seen: Has your faith changed who you are in your private life? It is not just a proclamation, but a calling as well.

An apologetic that is not merely argued, but felt: It is only the work of the Holy Spirit that transforms people's lives. Build your convictions deep and walk closely with Him. The more you feel your faith in God, He will give you the words at the most difficult moments.

An apologetic that does not only rescues the end, but also the means of the end: Have an utmost confidence in His truth. Come to terms with the word.

I regard him as a great apologist, not first and foremost because of his extensive knowledge, but because of the way he has lived, kept the faith even in his painful final moments, and exhibit such confidence in His truth. He has finished the good fight, run his race well and kept the faith...

As I think of him, I also think of our perspectives - is there anyone we will look toward to get our next apologetics knowledge? [I am not saying that it is wrong to learn from others, but] I think this is the nature of us as humans - it is easier to look at a fellow human and follow him because he is easily seen. Will we, first and foremost, look to the bread of life, fear Him and acquire knowledge from Him?
