“Who Are You, God?”

There were countless bible studies and sermons I listened to that emphasised on the 10 commandments. Because of the many times I had to memorise those commandments (so I can have a can of potato chips or sweets from my bible study teacher - yeah thank God for creating food hahaha), I formed the idea since young that God expected people to have a high level of moral standard. In my life, as far as God's words were concerned, it was only about do-s and do not-s. In my imagination, He appeared like a stern Man with a rule book and cane.

In journeying and discovering what Christianity is, I find myself having to redefine my mind's image of who I think God really is. In one of my constant prayers, I voiced out how much I don't really know, but long to know Him. I may not have arrived, but I have to say that I am really happy because God's word is readily available as a foundation for my understanding.

As I read Exodus 20 today, verse 2 stood out for me:

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

I come to realise how important it is for me to view God's commands in the light of who He is. I thought that God was a taskmaster, only concerned about my moral conduct. I had never focused on the reason behind the commandments God gave, which is out of His loving protection towards me. He does not wanting any unnecessary danger or bondage in my path. God is my Father who lovingly protects me.
