A Vision Of Heaven


I went to heaven.

On 21 Dec 2015, I sustained a concussion. While lying on the hospital bed, I saw myself lifted out of my body and I ascended till I reached heaven.

Surrounding me were colours of many kinds. The variety was so great, some unlike what I had seen on earth. I saw 2 tall angels accompanying me slightly behind, by my side.

I approached the entrance of the gates of heaven. I was not permitted to enter, but God met me at the entrance. His face was so bright that it lit the whole heaven. He told me, “Joy, you have a purpose on earth, and I need you to say yes to go down (to earth).”

I was so sad that God said this because I felt no pain and an enormous sense of peace in heaven. I did not want to go back and told Him “no,” of which He repeated the same thing twice. Finally, I said yes, and asked if I could have a hug, of which He agreed to.

The hug was unlike any other I have experienced in real life. I felt His love which was infinite times bigger than I have ever experienced. Shortly after, I felt myself coming back to reality on earth, where a pastor was still laying hands and praying for me.

What I experienced in heaven felt so long, but in reality on earth, it was only like 5 minutes. I felt the Bible coming alive, where the psalmist’s saying about “a day in Your courts is like a thousands elsewhere” was true. Also, the depiction of God being “the light” and “the Lamp” for “the city” of heaven was real.

Interestingly, 2 pastors who prayed for me felt that I was going to heaven and God had a purpose for my life. This confirmed that what I experienced was not a hallucination but a real vision from God.
