The Miracle My Soul Longs

Hey bloggers and readers! I thought I should just take some time out from the devotion write-ups I have been doing and share some thoughts that have been burning deep within my heart for the past few weeks. It's been really long since I shared any personal, spontaneous thoughts as well. This may not be very organized, but well. here goes!

What would you define as a miracle from God? Some would attribute it as an extraordinary, bizarre God-happening that cannot be explained by science and logic. Some would say it comes through healing the sick, gold dusts/gemstones appearances, someone coming back from the dead, creative miracles, water turned into wine, etc. I love the miraculous so much that I will sit for days extensively just to read books and watch videos of men and women being used by God to operate in the areas stated above, because that is what my God can do, and it's honestly fascinating.

In my regard though, the greatest miracle isn't healing cases, gold dusts, etc. (though these may form as a bridge to recognize God's Hand) I regard the greatest miracle of all time as the miracle of salvation. When God changes a person's heart to recognize Him, genuinely love Him, become surrendered and conformed to His will, willingly. Moreover, this miracle impacts eternity! For in that day of perfection, there isn't a need for healing, prophecies, tongues, knowledge, etc. anymore. (1 Corinthians 13:8) What will remain is love, faith, hope, and the souls of man.

We have gone astray, walking in our own paths and subjecting our souls to the god of this age. God is jealous for us all because He has created us for something more, but many have chosen to settle for less. We are supposed to find our purpose in our Creator who created us, knows us, and can fulfill our life potentials in the best way possible. But, many have sought for meaning in the created that will forever leave them empty.

We should all be interested to let God use us to bring the miracle of salvation to others. Oh yes, it may involved evangelism, repair work, discipleship, counselling, etc. - time consuming efforts so to speak. But, time will never seem wasted on our hearts if we move out of God's compassion, seeing what the Father does, and does likewise.

I long for revival in my nation. I long to see people come to accept and know Jesus not as a historic, random figure, but a Person who loves them. I long to see the people of God united - not to doctrines; to Truth, Jesus Christ. We will not just be interested to make non-Christians our brothers and sisters; we will all love our brothers and sisters who are on the same team as us (Team Jesus).

Revival first start in us. We got to give God the secret places of our hearts, daring Him to move and set us apart. We got to exemplify Jesus wherever we go. We got to get connected with people who will run God's vision collectively.

One of my heart's desire is to let people somehow have a foretaste of Jesus so that they get mind-blown when they realize Jesus is far greater, loving and perfect than I am. I pray that you will live to be a blessing and shine the light of Jesus wherever you go.

Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. - Hebrews 10:23-25
