God's Way Is The Best Way

Scripture Reference:
Ezekiel 4

God had confirmed Ezekiel's call and commissioned him to be the watchmen for his nation. Almost immediately, and from then on, warning messages of God's coming judgment were given to Ezekiel.

At God's instruction, he had to proclaim through ominous symbolic actions, compromising his comfort and dietary laws to show Israel the condition they would live in should they not repent of their rebellious ways.

• We must humbly pursue obedience; not comfort or reputation.
The mockery and opposition towards Ezekiel's messages would be rather high since it appeared to be senseless. His reputation as a priest would be ruined. However, that was the way God wanted to show Israel what they would have to go through if they remained unrepentant.

Obedience to God isn't always easy. It may seem illogical, outrageous and degrading at times. People may mock or persecute us because we made a stand to obey God.

In such times, our stand must remain unwavering. We must humbly pursue obedience; not comfort or reputation.

• God will go through great lengths to grab our attention.
God proved His love, patience and passion for His people through Ezekiel to protect them from the coming consequences they would face. He went through lengths to "break" the religious dietary laws Ezekiel upheld so strongly as a priest just to extend grace and aid His people back on track.

All throughout scripture, God is willing to use the miraculous to get us back on track – even going so far as to send His only Son as a sacrifice. He will go through great lengths to grab our attention, bringing us through the best path He has created for us.

To me, free will is the gift God has given because He exceeding loves us, but it is also the gift that has hurt Him the most. He will never bypass our free will.

If we will understand God has best intentions for our lives, our response would be teachability, humility, and immediate repentance.

• God's judgment sanctifies us to become holy.
God had purposefully spoken to different kings and prophets just to make His plans happen for His beloved people. They were meant to be the light to all nations, so that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth through Israel's testimony. (Isaiah 49:6)

But, God would rather see His land devasted, Jerusalem ruined, His people killed and exiled, than to have them give such a false witness to the Gentile nations. Judgment would begin in Israel first so that they would understand their folly, turn from sin, and once again become the light to all nations.

In 1 Peter 4:17, it states that “judgment will begin in the house of God”. He will not condone people who persecute or insult the people of God, but He uses the trials to make us more like Jesus, becoming sanctified to be the salt and light to the world. 

1) When the obedience God requires of you demands your comfort or reputation, will you obey anyway? He may be asking you to stay in a job you don't like, settle for lesser pay/lower job position, endure with uncooperative teammates, etc. It may seem stupid in the world's point of view to stay on, but God's way is always the best way.

2) If God were to dismantle the plans you have, telling you that there is a better way, even if you cannot perceive, will you surrender and follow Him? His best intention is to prosper and bless you, not to harm you.

3) You may be facing injustices or persecutions from your family, friends, colleagues, etc. because you professed faith in Jesus. Choose to see your trials as opportunities to respond and be like Christ. Never give up!

“So, if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.” - 1 Peter 4:19
