Altar Ministry training for Simply Worship 2! |
Drums Theory Lesson at SW2 workshop |
Oh how I love the usher shirt HAHAHA :D |
Because taking selfie with your hands is too mainstream... |
Simply Worship #2 Night rally worship |
My church, The Outreach Singapore! |
Participants from SW2! |
Jesus Culture Singapore and KL Volunteers!
They are coming to Singapore on 5th April!!! :D |
Kingdom Invasion Martin Smith Worship leading |
Bill Johnson, Kingdom Invasion #2 night rally |
Heidi Baker, Kingdom Invasion #4 night rally |
One of my dear covenant friends I saw at KI! <3 td="">3> |
Woohoo hey bloggers and readers I’m finally back with FIRE hahaha :D This week has been a really awesome week, and the photos you just saw above were 2 conferences I went for. The first was a worship event organized by my church known as
“Simply Worship 2”, with worship music training and a time when we behold the King of all Kings and invite Him to come as we worship, The second one was a conference known as
“Kingdom Invasion”, where special speakers like Heidi Baker, Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, etc etc were invited to share what God has placed in their hearts for Singapore, and they preached the word. It was an awesome time seeing the healings that took place, and GOD’s sweet Presence coming and have His way.
Before these 2 events took place, I felt God preparing my heart to expect bigger things. I felt Him stirring a hunger in my spirit, and my heart had a desperate cry - I do not want to just talk about stories of the old. 1 day before Simply Worship 2 (SW2), I felt God telling me,
“I will give you new experiences so that you won’t need to keep talking about stories of the old.” Cutting the long story short and moving forward to the first night, as I was worshipping, my hands were trembling, and the more I relaxed, the more it shook. I found myself asking, “why” for 2 reasons, one was because I could think rationally, and I felt nothing emotional going on, so I couldn’t understand what God was doing. Later, as I quieten down those questions in me, I felt God saying that this is an encounter of His power, and that
supernatural things, however well explained, cannot be perfectly rationalized, because the supernatural is a realm going beyond human logic and understanding. But you can recognize if this is GOD moving by the fruits produced.
The 2nd “why” I had was due to the feeling I had like what Isaiah felt in Isaiah 6, when He saw the LORD high and lifted up. Why will such a big God choose to reveal Himself to a small me? As I thought about this, I felt overwhelmingly loved by God, and I really felt compelled – I want others around me to know who Jesus is, feel His love and be transformed by Him, because I’m convinced He is real.
I’ll just proceed to share one more testimony before I move on to share about Kingdom Invasion (in short, KI). At the 2nd night of SW2, the speaker was sharing about the story of Joseph and his brothers, later branching out into inner healing. It was really a good because I felt GOD once again breaking off those lies that have moved me away from my true identity, and I felt Him setting me free. I know I’m really GOD’s precious, and if you happen to be reading this too, I want to let you know that you are His precious son/daughter, and He really loves you a lot.
Moving on to KI, it was a pity that I could only go for the 2nd night and the 4th night because I had work commitments and could not make it for the conference. What was great about this, though, was the 4th night when Heidi Baker was preaching about flowing in GOD’s river with unspeakable joy and full of glory, taken from Revelation 22 and Ezekiel 47. I felt GOD reminding me about a dream I felt Him gave to me a few years back, also drawing from Ezekiel 47, saying,
“It's when you begin to walk with Me till you are so full in My Presence, that when any obstacles or trials come your way, you will not fear. For I am walking with you as you remain in Me.” Also, as we were worshipping, there was so much joy flowing as we celebrated GOD’s goodness with praise, and I’m really thankful to GOD for whatever that has been happening through this week.
Putting all the good things GOD has been doing in collation, I felt there was a reason behind why GOD moved the way He moved during this whole week for me. The fruit of the encounters was the strength that GOD provided me so that I can run this race with the joy of GOD, and as I proceed with the ministry and life commitments GOD has placed for me, I know if I don’t flow in the river, I will burnout; if I don’t have His power, I can’t be an effective witness and live in the best way (GOD’s way). Apart from Him, I can do nothing – not that I'm deemed useless, but I can only do what’s possible in human’s strength, but I won't be able to do impossibilities. I thank GOD for His grace and guidance, for placing good covenant friends and an awesome family of GOD that doesn’t contend for anything less than the fullness of Jesus, His glory and love revealed.
Strength will really rise as we wait upon the LORD. And the joy of the LORD is my strength! #contendingforbreakthrough
(Linked with Charlotte on Spiritual Sundays)
Hi Joy! I love all this it's like when I was in youth groups in college. It's such an awesome experience : ) Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHey Joy...love the pictures...love the joy and freedom that flows straight out of them. Love your zeal...your enthusiasm and yep I agree...He's doing some amazing things around the globe.