-Words only- Reflections for today

Hello fellow readers and bloggers! This is a super long update from my previous post - woah hahaha :D Just came back from a 2 weeks mission trip in Philippines - Cebu and Iloilo, and I'm super happy that God moved amongst our midst, and I felt God bringing me into a deeper level of intimacy and closeness with Him. I will talk about the trip in details in the next coming post, but for now I would like to post what God spoke to me today when I went to a church and was activated to pray for people. I hope these will bless you as well.

1) Don't despise the mode of operation He has given to me to operate in. Be faithful in the little.
I can totally relate with those who may not feel that they are sensitive to hear God for someone, or when God is moving, you activate your spirit fingers and you still can't sense anything (HAHA). Most times when I pray for others I don't sense much also, but it doesn't mean when we don't have that sensing means we cannot pray for people. You move with faith, and you see God move with you as well - God honors faith, and He loves partnership with us.

2) I need a lot of supernatural love that the Father has before I pray for anyone.
Particularly because the people whom we pray for today aren't people whom we know that well, it was really hard for me feeling for them. I don't desire to pray for the sake of doing so; neither do I want them to just come and receive prayer, and go back the same again. I don't want them to just taste the power of God; I want them to taste the Presence that comes from the fullness of Jesus - when we encounter the fullness of Jesus, I believe we will never be the same again.

I cannot manufacture love, and I desire to be authentic, and I can only do it with Jesus.

-to be continued-

Linked with Charlotte on Spiritual Sundays


  1. Hi Joy, :)

    One thing I know for sure, is that the one single element in prayer and worship...an important element...that if lost or ignored, would make our prayers and worship of little value or power. This single element is sincerity. God seeks those to pray for others with sincerity, honesty and a true feeling of heart.

    Looking forward to hearing about your mission trip!
    Blessings and hugs!


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