The Grace Of God

Hey friends and bloggers out there! My apologies for having not updated my blog for such a long time. Have been immersing myself in reading some Christian books for the past few weeks, spending time with God and hanging out with some of my awesome friends too! I must say that I'll cancel out the statement I made in the past, that “I don't love reading” haha - ain't a #truestory statement for me after all (random sharing here haha).

In the current post, I'll continue from where I left off in my previous post, “The Joy of Obedience”. In that post I mentioned that God has taught me some of the most valuable lessons in 2012 for application in life, and I hope you'll be blessed and God will continue to speak to you through this too.

In the past, unconscious to me [before I realised this], grace appeared to me as a dangerous topic to talk about. I've heard countless sermons about the grace of God, and I will think that overemphasizing [and over preaching] about His grace would give people misconceptions, thinking that they could act waywardly. I've heard stories [which ain't painting a very good picture] about this from my friends, and I wasn't comfortable at all.

Gradually, I found out that I was playing too safe. I thought that if I talked about grace too much, people will sin, so I rather not talk too much about this. And because I don't know what's “too much”, I won't elaborate too much about this topic. I was wrong.

It wasn't [and shouldn't be] my responsibility if I shared this much and people still allowed sin to reign in their lives; it's the Holy Spirit that convicts hearts and cause radical transformation. People need to understand what the true meaning of Grace is. I'm thankful that I was set free of playing “safe” haha.

Summing up what God has taught me about the Grace of God, through my own experiences and the sharing of some of my spiritual mentors (and given that I'm still in the midst of learning haha):

1) Jesus is a grace gift. In essence, the meaning of grace is “God's Riches At Christ Expense”. Understanding the expense, abusing grace can be actually equal to abusing Jesus (His life, love and finished work on the Cross). Grace shouldn't serve as a license for me to sin, but for me to be brought to repentance, setting me free from condemnation (Romans 5:15-6:14
2) Grace is an extremely good gift God has given to everyone. Grace shows the goodness of the Lord, therefore I shouldn't withhold from sharing this with anyone (Romans 2:4)
3) Grace is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to expand my capacity, equip me with power from on high [boldness, faith, etc] and allow Him do what I can't do [through me]. This causes me to root my identity as His kid and not to other conditions like my natural abilities and talents (2 Corinthians 12:9)
4) Grace shifts me from the world's culture of striving to the Kingdom [Godly] culture of flowing with God - just following the direction where the wind [the Spirit of God] blows [leads me to] (John 3:8)

Learning to flow and rely on His grace has brought me beyond where I've expected myself to be at, and it is my prayer that God will lead you to experience the depths of His grace in every aspect of your life. May you continue to find pleasure in knowing Daddy God more each day!

Signing off with the greeting of the Apostle Paul, from the bottom of my heart,
2 Corinthians 13:14 - May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


  1. Good morning Joy! This is a great post you have written on grace. I have a cross sitting on my table with 2 Corinthians 12:9 on it. Such a great verse. Hope your day is filled with all kinds of "Amazing Grace"!
    Blessings Chelle

    1. Hey Chelle! Great to hear that you've been blessed by this post! May God continue to pour His blessings upon your life and lead you to walk in His grace and discover even more revelations and more of who He is each day! :)


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