“Are My People Ready?”

I sense in my heart an urgency - a strong voice thundering repetitively in my spirit, “I'm coming back soon...” After seeing the news of the most recent earthquake hit upon Indonesia, the Lord brought me to this verse:

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
Matthew 24:7-8 (NIV)

The earthquake was a sign that Jesus is coming back soon. Sometimes we can get so complacent that we forget that He is coming back for us. We drink, make merry, celebrate, and live as though we thought we still have a lot more time to waste.

Are you ready for the coming of the Lord? The heart of the Father beats out this cry, “Are my people ready for my coming?”

There are still people out there not knowing that there is a God who loves them and desires to pour out His love upon them. They are like sheep without shepherd (Matthew 9:36), searching for the truth. This is why Jesus said that the harvest is plenty, but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). God wants those who know the truth to lead his people into the truth - only found in one man, Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

God is not searching for qualified people to come into his service. Preaching His Gospel is not about eloquence. God is looking for people that will simply say, “God, send me. I will go where You want me to go.” God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

May God place in your hearts today the urgency of the call, and may you be compelled by His love to share the Gospel at all cost.

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

“What are you waiting for? I have commanded you to be strong and courageous! Just as nothing separated you from my love (Romans 8:39), let not your fears, doubts, and worries separate my people from my love.”


  1. This is something I think of often Joy....I want to be prepared and often ask myself if there are any accounts I need to settle; any disputes I want to reconcile; is there anybody I have mistreated and want to ask forgiveness of; will I be worshiping Him in the moment He returns??

    Great post, and something we need to keep in mind every minute of every day! :)

    Blessings sweet friend,

  2. Thanks Denise!!! Your comment was really a great reminder!! :D


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